Corresponding Secretary
Mary Ann Marshall
Cynthia Egan
Stephanie Segall
Vice President
Becci Backman
Recording Secretary
Barbara Reichter
Issy Seely
Karen Marshall
Caroline Grady
Leslie Frost
Betty Cunningham
Committees & Chairperson(s)
Auditor (Heather Holman)
The Audit Committee assists the board to fulfill its corporate governance and overseeing responsibilities in relation to the Andover Garden Club's financial reporting, internal control system, risk management system and audit functions.
Civic Beautification & Horticulture (Judy Wright & Caroline Grady, Co-Chairs)
The purpose of the Civic Beautification and Horticulture Committee is to help beautify our community and educate members about various aspects of gardening. The committee participates in projects such as maintenance of the Henderson Garden or works with businesses, organizations or local government to enhance the beauty of the town, preserve historical values and promote environmental stewardship. We meet as a whole on occasion, but lively and informative discussions occur frequently while caring for the Henderson Garden during the spring, summer and fall months. The Committee provides seasonal plantings to decorate the two urns on the plaza outside the old Town Hall and the two planters which flank the entrance to the Robb Center. Every year, the committee selects a tree which the Andover Garden Club donates to the town of Andover in honor of Arbor Day. We have recently begun leading walks on town-owned land to introduce members to beautiful areas of town with which they may not be familiar and to promote awareness of the importance of environmental stewardship.
Communications (Stephanie Segall, Chair)
The Communication Committee updates all members of new future events as well as ongoing ones. This is done by email and phone for those who don’t have email.
Continuing Education (Leslie Frost, Chair)
The Continuing Education Committee awards four scholarships on a yearly basis for tuition to members to attend any of four Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts Schools; Flower Show School, Landscape Design School, Garden Study and Environmental School. We are looking forward to giving as many as possible a chance to attend these quality courses. First come first serve. Ask Leslie for details.
Environmental Awareness (Mindy Chave, Chair)
The EA Committee provides AGC membership with environmental information of general and gardener interest. This includes:
Sending emails approximately twice a month about programs, news stories, scientific information, legislative and policy issues, and "green" living ideas.
Advocating for AGC to take policy positions commensurate with our mission
Presenting short informational "Environmental Moments" at monthly meetings
Involving AGC with community activists of environmental nature. Currently AGC is helping sponsor the Andover Pollinator Pathway initiative. And AGC promotes GCFM programs related to environmental issues (i.e., Native Plant Challenge)
Flower Arranging Workshop (Co-Chairs, Ann C Lange, Judy Wright and Susan Johnston)
Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 on October 22, 2024, January 21 2025 and April 22 2025
The Flower Arranging Workshop Committee focuses on creating a program for the study of the art of floral design including the preparation of plant material, design principles and selection of proper equipments, and promotes the joy of sharing design techniques.
There will be three workshops all offered at the Robb Center on Whittier St. These workshops must have 10 or more attendees. Sometimes we bring our own vases and some cuttings from our gardens to add to the floral material the workshop provides. No experience required!! You will have excellent coaching and there are challenges for the experienced arrangers too.
Garden Therapy (Mary Ann Marshall and Maria Shapiro, Co-Chairs)
AGC Garden Therapy members will assist residents in creating fresh floral arrangements that the residents keep for their rooms. The floral arrangement ties in with the month or the upcoming holiday. 2023-24 we had Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day and Springtime.
AGC members prep the flowers, coach and assist some residents who want the help, and socialize. Each session begins with a short discussion about what is going on in the outside world at this time of year, jokes, stories, or what people remember about the holiday. We end our sessions with a sing a long. We spread a little joy, provide mental stimulation and activity - and that is our purpose. Due to continuing covid concerns especially among the elderly and health compromised individuals, we are now limiting our Garden Therapy Sessions to four per year. Two sessions will be held at Mary Immaculate Nursing Home in Lawrence and two will be held at Bear Mountain (formerly Wingate) in Andover.
Historian (Virginia Begg, Chair)
The Historian keeps a record of the club’s accomplishments and activities for the year. Collecting items such as pictures and news clippings about the club and its members. Preparing to celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2027!
Hospitality (Tina Girdwood and Cynthia Egan, Co-Chairs)
The Hospitality Committee provides refreshments for the social time at our monthly meetings. There are several ways to participate. We need 3-4 volunteers at each meeting for the following tasks:
1 person to assist with “hosting” by providing cream & lemon slices and by helping with pre-meeting setup and post meeting cleanup.
2-3 folks to bring food items for the pre-meeting social time. Small finger foods are the best.
1 person to create a flower arrangement for the buffet table and provide coordinating napkins.
This is a great way to meet other members. We look forward to having you join us!
Junior Gardeners (Theresa Murtagh)
The Junior Gardeners Committee is group of enthusiastic adults eager to share their love and appreciation of nature with youth in our community. Each month a unique children’s book is donated to the Jr. Green Book Collection at the Memorial Hall Library, where our Jr. Gardeners Meet, read a story, engage in discussion and enjoy hands on craft activities related to the story or some other activity. Volunteers are welcome as there are often several projects to facilitate at once. Chair Terry Murtagh will welcome all helping hands.
Membership (Cathy Starr & Donna Rudolph, Co-Chairs)
The Membership Committee works to promote membership in the AGC. This involves planning events such as Andover Days or building a scarecrow for ACE. Members of the committee would also assist at the membership desk at regular meetings. The committee also contacts those wishing to join the club and assist them in the registration process, answers their questions and helps get them involved in club activities. This committee finds mentors for new members.
Nominating (Chair TBD)
The Nominating Committee is composed of five members, each of whom has been a member of the club for at least four years. Two members of this committee shall be elected from the membership and 3 will be from the Board of Directors. Their responsibility is to present in March for consideration by the Board of Directors a slate of Executive Officers (President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer) for the coming two years, which upon Board approval is announced to the membership at the April meeting and voted upon at the annual meeting. According to the AGC bylaws, two members of this committee shall be elected from the general membership and three by the Board of Directors.
Programs (Kathi Levine, Chair)
The Programs Committee, composed of 1-5 members, researches and plans programs for the upcoming year. Programs are held from Oct. to May. The committee contacts and contracts with the monthly speaker and introduces them to the Club. This is a wonderful chance to explore the experts in many fields.
Public Relations (Frances "Fyj" Wheeler)
The Public Relations Committee's purpose is to make the club better known and to publicize regular meetings and events (such as the plant sale), as well as special events such as fundraisers. This is effected through outreach to regional publications, various internet sites and communication with the membership.
Scholarships & Awards (Laura Bibler, Chair)
The Scholarship and Awards Committee oversees the publication of announcements regarding the GCFM Scholarships with our Public Relations Chair. The Committee also applies, on behalf of the Andover Garden Club, for Awards that are given by GCFM that are presented during the year at GCFM Conferences.
Ways and Means (TBD)
The Ways and Means Committee is responsible for devising and carrying out plans for assuring the financial means of our Club.
Website (JoAnn Spaneas and Holli Marrs, Co- Chairs)
The Website Committee is responsible for the creation and maintenance of our Internet presence, with the objective of broadening awareness, increasing exposure and enhancing our image. Our website committee strives to coordinate its content with information found on the Andover Garden Club’s Facebook Page.
If we have anything to add to the website, please contact Holli Marrs.
Finance (Betty Cunningham)
This committee prepares a budget for the upcoming year and presents it to the club members at the first meeting of the year for approval. They also make banking decisions and look out for the long term health of our accounts.
Yearbook (Heather Moody Holman, Chair)
The Yearbook Committee compiles the information for the yearbook and coordinates with the printer. Committee activity occurs in the late summer and early fall, helping with the final proofreading, stuffing and stamping envelopes, and mailing.