2019 National Garden Club’s Design Specialty Flower Show

Andover Garden Club’s Own: Ann Lange

Ann Lange’s award-winning flower arrangement.

Ann Lange’s award-winning flower arrangement.

At the 2019 National Garden Club’s Design Specialty Flower Show, one of our long-time members, Ann Lange (‘62), participated and returned with great recognition. She was the recipient of both the first place and designer’s choice awards for her outstanding design (see photo above). Her choice of materials was simple but design was intricate. Our club congratulates her on her achievement.


2019 & 2020  

National Garden Club Flower Arranger of the Year

Helen S. Hull Calendar Award

Ann C. Lange (a record holder with 3 wins)


GCFM Mass. Judges Council Flower Show 2019

Designers Choice Award 

Ann C. Lange


Helen DeOrsay Friedberg Tribute Scholarship

Landscape Design School

Maria Shapiro 2018


GCFM Northern District

2019 Lifetime Achievement Award – Ann C. Lange

2019 Certificate of Distinction – Judy Wright

Katherine Suozzo Award

FYJ Wheeler 2009

Judy Wright 2008

Leslie Frost 1993


Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts

Leslie Frost, President 2003-2005

Investment and Scholarship Committees 2017-2020

Chairman of Grants Online 2020


International Flower Show Judge

 Ann C. Lange


Master Flower Show Judge

 Leslie Frost (Emeritus)                   

Ann C. Lange


Master Landscape Design Consultant

Virginia Begg           Leslie Frost           Fyj Wheeler Ann C. Lange


Landscape Design Consultant

 Joyce Bakshi         Laura Bibler       Liz Bell         Dolores Cleland           Fyj Wheeler

Maria Bartlett             Caroline Grady         Diane Climo             Maria Shapiro


Landscape Design Council

Fyj Wheeler


Gardening Consultant

Fyj Wheeler            Maria Shapiro